Here is the error I'm getting:
{"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"ValidationException","message":"Validation failed: \n -- UserName: 'User Name' must not be empty.\n -- Password: 'Password' must not be empty.","errors":[{"errorCode":"NotEmpty","fieldName":"UserName","message":"'User Name' must not be empty.","meta":{"PropertyName":"User Name"}},{"errorCode":"NotEmpty","fieldName":"Password","message":"'Password' must not be empty.","meta":{"PropertyName":"Password"}}]}}
Here's my zoho deluge script:
UserName = "EMAIL";
Password = "PASSWORD";
apiAppId = "APPID";
secretKey = "SECRETKEY";
// Ensure this line ends with a semicolon
// Get current date-time in GMT format
currentDateTime = zoho.currentdate.toString("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'");
// Create signature string
signatureString = "GET" + apiURL + currentDateTime;
// Generate HMAC SHA256 hash and convert to Base64
hashedSignature = zoho.encryption.hmacSHA256(signatureString,secretKey);
info "hashedSignature: " + hashedSignature;
encodedSignature = zoho.encryption.base64Encode(hashedSignature);
info "encodedSignature: " + encodedSignature;
// Create headers
headers = Map();
// Optional: Add Basic Auth header
data = UserName + ":" + Password;
info "data: " + data;
basicAuth = zoho.encryption.base64Encode(data);
headers.put("Authorization","Basic " + basicAuth);
info headers;
// Make the API request
response = invokeurl
url :apiURL
type :GET
info "response: " + response;
// Parse the response to get the User Key
userKey = response.get("userKey");
info userKey;
// For debugging
I have been told by Zoho that the script is written correctly and its just the API that isn't responding with a user key. Can someone help me understand what I did wrong?